Patty Bobo
Patty Bobo (Mad River Patty)
10/4/95 – 2/1/07
Patty started it all for us. She was our first greyhound. We adopted her from Greyhound Friends of North Carolina and had her flown up. When this tiny, white greyhound popped out of the vari-kennel at the airport, we fell head over heels in love with her. Patty came to us at 2 years old and was a real character. She became the princess in our house. She knew she was special and expected to be treated as thus. And she was.
Patty was a talker. She came right up to us and would begin by quietly chattering to us, increasing in volume until she got the response she wanted. She usually had a lot to say. She knew that dinner time was around dark, and would begin her chattering at dusk every night. When we took the carpeting off our stairs to the second floor, Patty decided she couldn't walk up the stairs alone anymore. We finally persuaded her to come upstairs by leading her by the collar. Every night she stood at the bottom of the stairs and chattered and barked and tapped her feet until she was taken upstairs to bed. In the winter, she would begin her routine about 4:30 , because it was beginning to become dark and dark meant dinner and bedtime. In the summer, she stayed up later because the sun was up later. She slept in bed with us, like a princess should.
Patty was very tiny, not quite 50 lbs, and all white except for a red spot on her side. We'll always have a soft spot for white greyhounds. Many greyhounds have come into our lives since Patty first came to us. With her we began our journey down the road to volunteer work for animals, especially greyhounds. She will always be missed, but the many, many good memories we have will always be with us.
The Bobo's