Evan "Evvy" Goldberg
October 5, 2008 - November 19, 2015
Our sweet fur boy and gentle giant, Evan, was called away from us far too soon. But what a wonderful five years we had together. When he first joined our family, living in a house seemed foreign to him. He mastered stairs, was taught how to play with toys by a dear greyhound friend, and soon transformed into a family pet. His helicopter tail and welcome home rooing put smiles on our faces at the end of each work day. His “lean-in” for love or nose nuzzling in our laps told us he wanted some love. Daily running in the fenced-in yard was a joy for all of us as he was magnificent to watch. If we weren’t right there he’d “call to us” to come watch him run in anticipation of our praise. With a collar for each season and holiday, he was known as a fashion mogul around the neighborhood. He loved taking walks and was convinced if we came upon another person, that person existed to give him love. Though timid around other breeds he always sensed the kinship with other greys. He relished in his “vacation time” with dear friends, Cindy and Jay, and best greyfriends, Lilly and Emma. He was loved and is missed terribly by all who had the pleasure to know him. He will forever be a part of our hearts.
The Goldberg Family