


05/07/1993 - 08/27/2003

Owned by Stan Dulkiewicz

Bijon was really a rare dog. He had that wonderful quiet dignity about him. We would walk down the street and he would hold his head high as if to say: Hey, look at me - I'm a Greyhound! We grew to become in tune with each other, understanding what each other wanted or needed. Many think we read human characteristics into animals... but, in the case of intelligent dogs like Greyhounds, I think they have lived with humans for so long that they have genetically selected the human characteristic of personality. I don't think we are projecting onto a dumb animal, we read them quite accurately. I think the one quality of intelligent wise dogs like Bijon, is their ability to synchronize their emotions with ours. I believe this is why I became so close to Bijon. It is the sort of connection we only dream of having with humans, but rarely see. Bijon did not have his own ego to get in the way, just his ability to love freely. Our time together was much to short. Bijon suffered from the degenerative and debilitating disease. In Bijon's last year, his pain became more intense and was increasingly evident. Yet even in so much pain he could must a bit of cheer to greet me, and my connection with him became my pain. I know it's a cliché, but Bijon was truly special and the lives he touched are poorer for his passing. I have lost my best friend, confidant and companion. My sorrow is almost unbearable.

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